Saturday, January 1, 2011

Port Dickson Trip

I'm back!!!
Just came back from Port Dickson. I'm extremely tired!!

Well..It's a 2D1N trip..went with 10 others friends..stayed at Glory Beach Resort (nIce resort!!)..

Curious about what we did there??
We swam..sauna..barbequed..viewed the dirty beach..chitchat..took million photos and of course slept. Anyway, I couldn't sleep at all that night although I'm very tired. BUT!!! My friends slept like pig..=(

Actually, before heading to PD..I never think of swimming there, cuz as the people saying "the water is very very dirty!" Yes, I admit that, it's super duper dirty! Surprisingly, there have swimming pool and sauna room. These have given me a golden chance to play water and having a sauna. What a nice trip..=)

The memorable events in the trip:
1. We swam in the pool, play water together, took thousand photos in the pool.
2. We barbequed in the darkness and chitchat beside the beach.
3. We missed the countdown time!!
4. I went to the beach alone at 6.45am. Enjoyed the beautiful beach view and sea breeze.
5. Raymond and Boon cooked the spaghetti for us. I ate it although their cooking method got a bit disgusting..
6. Had lunch with them at Gilly Cafe.

Such a short trip have tighten our friendship!
Made us more closer and understandand each other!

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